My Story
Pam Machemehl Helmly, Founder and Chief Science Officer
I’ve worked in the healthcare industry for most of my life – since 1981, in fact. My career began when I was still an undergraduate at Texas A&M (Gig ‘Em!) doing research for a study on Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I’ve touched many aspects of this industry, including time spent as the Wellness Director at a local health and wellness chain in Austin and as a Health Care Administrator for Sanus Healthcare in Houston, Texas.
I am proud of my experience in this field, but I am truly humbled by the opportunity to continue to work directly with clients. This is personal to me – I have run into certain health issues myself, from an underperforming thyroid to anxiety issues, and I truly believe that what we’re doing at The M² Institute saves lives.
It’s my job to oversee all aspects of client care, laboratory findings, formula determinations and technology - and there isn’t a single supplement we offer that I haven’t taken myself. But here at M², we don’t just take care of people’s specific health issues or concerns, we care for the person as a whole.
My whole life I’ve always been a nurturer, and I go out of my way to take care of the people around me whether it’s my employees, our clients or myself. One of the most important ways I do that is by only using the best of the best. I don’t cut corners, ever. I use only the best quality ingredients and the best HIPPA and CLIA certified labs. I also developed our testing and retesting protocols because I want to make sure I am truly making a difference in people’s lives. I’m not going to send you out into the world with some supplements and hope for the best – I’ve got your back, and I’m going to make sure what we’re doing is actually moving the needle for your health.
I’ve seen a variety of clients from internationally adopted children to professional athletes in my career, and I am so excited that I’m finally able to bring what I do to everyone, including you. There’s a revolution happening in personal healthcare, and I can’t wait for you to be a part of it.
Yours in Wellness,